Robert Stone Duggan, Jr.
Kathleen Ringwald Duggan
3311 Springhouse Circle
Stone Mountain, GA 30087, USA
Kathleen and I celebrated our 56th anniversary on 20 November 2010. Our family includes our five children and our ten grandchildren.
Our children and their families include ...
Our son Robert III
(Robin) , his
wife Bonnie, and their daughter Natalie Carol in
Frederick, MD.
Our son Christopher (Chris)
, his wife Beth, and their
children Celestia Kathleen
(Katie) and
Christopher, Jr.
near Atlanta
Our daughter Kathleen Elizabeth
(Betsy), her daughter
Mary Kathleen,
and her twin sons
Robert Louis and Glenn Thomas in Atlanta
Our son Timothy (Tim), his wife Terry, and their son Timothy
Benjamin and daughter Suzanne Nicole now living near Tucson, AZ.
Our daughter Heather, her husband Charles (Fella) Clements, and their daughters
Allison Elizabeth
and Caroline Ansley
near Atlanta.
Other family photos may be found on our Tripod pages.
Bob is a retired Electronics Engineer: BEE highest honors '51, MSEE '56 from Georgia Tech (Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, & Phi Kappa Phi honor societies). With over 32 years with Lockheed, Bob is also a retired Navy Lieutenant Commander (including electronics service ('47-'48) on the USS Keppler DD765 and ('51-'53) on the USS Rowe DD564). He's a member of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) and the American Legion . His hobbies include...
Amateur radio (N4IA,(ex-W4MIA) with 351 countries confirmed (DXCC Honor Roll) and one more worked -- but still need North Korea, Scarborough Reef, Swain I., & Montenegro. Met in Moscow (1971) Arctic Explorer Ernst Krenkel (RAEM) - a Hero of the Soviet Union. Operated from the USSR (1975) on UK75SW. Was an early American ham to operate from China on BY1PK in Beijing (1983) and later (1986) BY4RN in Nanjing. Operated from Australia (1948) on VK2MZ, from Guantanamo Bay (1952) on KG4AN, and the ITU in Geneva (1971) on 4U1ITU.
Surfing the Internet and World Wide Web, looking for new countries (252 on the WWW and another 5 on E-mail).
Foreign languages: Spanish & Russian, also studied German, French, Arabic, and Chinese
Serving since 1948 the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) on numerous committees and boards and also as IEEE Region 3 Director in 1984-5 and IEEE Vice President in 1987. A Life Senior Member, he received the IEEE Centennial Medal in 1984, the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000, and the Middleton Distinguished Service Award in 2008. He was also selected as a member of IEEE exchange delegations to the USSR (1971, 1975, & 1978) and the Peoples Republic of China (1980 & 1983).
A Registered Professional Engineer in Georgia for many years, he was named an Associate Fellow in AIAA.
Kathleen (a Sullins graduate and a BS 1951 from Peabody) is a retired elementary school teacher. Her hobbies include...
Flowers and gardening
Both Bob and Kathleen share interests in...
Genealogy (see
NOTE below)
Travel (66 countries and 50 states for Bob, 59
countries and 48 states for Kathleen so far)
ElderHostel (fourteen
so far, along with some six "ElderHappenings")
Working with international students through AMIS, Atlanta's
First Presbyterian Church (where both are retired Elders), and its
International Sunday School Class.
Friendship Force (four
exchanges and five hostings, including a trip around the world across Russia
& Siberia in July 1997)
NOTE: In our genealogy research we have amassed a
database of over 111,700 names. Both our ancestry lines have been
traced back to European royalty, including William the Conqueror.
Bob's mother was Dutch; Kathleen's father was of German ancestry. We both have English, Irish, and Scots ancestry.
Some of the 300+ surnames in our family tree in which we are interested include the following:
Abbink, Adair/Addair, Adams, Alber, Alexander, Algar, Allen, Ashby, Baier, Baker, ten Barje, Barker, Barton, Bathurst, Beernink/Biernink, te Beeste, Belchier, Belgrave, Bemers, Bennekink, Benson, Bent, Beskamp, Beuckenhorst, Bigge/Bygge, Bihler, Bijfank, Billups, Bishop, Blair, Blanchard, Boeijinck, Bonnekink, Borninkhoff, Bostock, Bouwers, Bouwmeijster, Braun, Brent, Brooks, Brorink, Brothers, Bruggers, Buers, Burgess, de Calne, Cheely, Cheevers, Chenduit, Cone, Contzelmann, Cooper, Cording, Cossink, Cowley, Crawford, Crawley, Croshaw, Curson, Curtis, Damcot/Damkott, Daniell, Daub, Davis, Delaney/Dulaney, de Ryck, DiHorne, Dijksbos, Dineley, Douglas, Driver, Drommelers, Duggan, Duggin, Dulmes, Dumewijk, Dunnewold, de Eccheshall, Eefsinck, Eiler, Elink, Emmink, Emmitt, Erdley, ten Esche, de Esseby, Esselink, Fisher, Fleischmann, Fokkink, Forbes, Foscott, Frederick, Freeman, Freers/Vreers, French, Frisby, Frost, Fulthorpe, Garnett, Garrad, Gebbink, Gielink, Glascock, Glenn, Goldhatch, Gordon, Gosens, Gosling, Gossinck, Greene, Griggs, ten Groode, Gross, Gussinklo, Hadelstone, Haer, Hagler/Hägler/Haigler, Hall, Hamilton, Hapgood, Harbison, Harcourt, Hardy, Harpsfield, Harrell, Hatton, Hauser, Haveste, Heil, Helmerdink, Hemink, Hengevelt, Henley, Hermelink, Heselrige, Hewey, Heynlen, Highsmith, Higinck, Hijink, Hillen, Hitch, Hofste, Holdenby, Holme, Horbelinck, Hoornenborg, Howard, Hubbard, Hudson, Huinink/Huijnink, ten Hulsen, Hunders, Huninck, Hyman, Hymayns, Ienen, Isham, Jaque, Jason, Jentink, Johnson, Johnstone, Joyce, Keith, Keller, Kenan, te Kerckhof, Killingsworth, King, Kirby, Kirton, Klomps, Klumpers, Knabb, Koelwagen, Koennink/Keunnink, Körner, te Kolstee, Kraft, Krauss, Kresses, Krosenbrink, Laier, Langford, de Lathberrie, Lauck/Laux, Legters/Lichterink/Ligterink, Lenoir, Lesink, Lewis, Lightfoot, Lilly, Linder, Little, Lobeek, Lunsden, Luscombe, Lutjenkossink, to Lynthem, Maddox/Maddux, Mallory, Malpass/Molpus, Man, Manning, Markfield, Marshall, Martin, Massey/Massie, Masterson, ter Mate, Mathew, Matz, Mawle, Meade, Meerdink/Mierdinck, Meinen/Meijnen, Mentink, Mills, van Miste, Moesebrink/Muisebrink, Mohler, Montague, Myal, Nicholas, Nijenhuis, Norris, ter Oelewick, Oesminck, Offley, Oonck, Owen, Parker, Parks, Partridge, Parye, Paul, Paynell, Peachey, Peerdecamp, Pfuhl, Piersol/Pearsall/Pershall, Pijpers, Pleckenpol, Porter, Potter, Powell, Price, Ramaker, Ramsford, Ransome, Ravenett/Rabinette, Reese, Reesink/Resink, Renegar/Renninger, Rensink, Resink, Reurink, Reuselink/Roeslink, Rice, Richardson, Rijckers/Rikkers, Ringwald, Robbins/Robins, Robinson, de Rodes, Rogers, Rolleston, Roockes, Roper, Rosijn, Rowse, Rühl, te Rule, Sailin, te Samberg, Sanders, Sandford, Sautter, Schening, Schirmer/Shemer, Schneider, Scholl, Scholten/Schulten, Schoppers, Schreurs, Schuerink, Scott, Sellink, Sevinck, Sijbink, Sikkink, Small, Smith, Smithwick, Speller, Stanley, Stanton, de Staunton, Stearns, Sterne, Stewart, Stiball, Stokes, Stone, Stowe, te Stroet, Strutt, Sumner, Swinnerton, Symonds, Taylor, Teijlers, Thoma, Thomas, Thompson, Timson, Tritton, Ubbink, Ulrich, Umminger, Van Hoose, Van Nordstrand, Vessey, Vogel, Vögelin, Vogelzang, te Voorde, te Voortwis, Wade, Wafford, Walker, Walworth, Wamelink, Wanders, Wandisford, Ward, Ware,Warren, Wasse, Wekamp, Wendel, Wennink, Wentworth, Westby, White, Wicherts, Widmaier, Wiggers, Willink/Wijllinck, Wilterdink, ter Wische, te Wocht/Woght, Wolterink, Young, and Zürn
Some Duggan genealogy references include the following:
Bob's Duggan family register from 1660: Descendants of William Duggan[1.44 MB]
Lyman K. Duggan's Duggan-Dugan-Dougan Family Homepage
Some Dutch genealogy references include the following:
Some German genealogy references are the following:
View our database!
Bob and Kathleen's ahnentafels and
numerous family registers have been deposited at our Roots Web
Registers page. The Family Registers accessible there include
Adams, Addair, Beckerink, Beernink, Bemers, Bent, Bigge, Billups, Bouwmeester, Brown, Bruggers,
Burgess, Cheely, Clements, Cone, Cowley, Damcott/Damkot, Debbink, Dekle, Dempsey, Deunk/Duenk, Duggan,
Dulaney/Delaney, Dulmes, Dunnewold, Elink, Eskew, Frederick,
Freeman, Freers, French, Frost, Gheesling, Gilmore, Glenn, Gross, Gussinklo, Gussinkloe, Hagler, Harrell,
Heinen, Hesselink, Highsmith, Hijink, Hitch, Hogenboom, Hoitink, Huinink, Hyman, Johnson,
Johns(t)on, Jordan/Jourden, Joyce, Kenan, Killingsworth, Kimsey, Kirby, KleinHesselink, Klomps,
Lanier, Lauck/Laux, Legters, Lenoir, Linder, Maddux, Malpass,
Manning, Martin, Massey/Massie, Meerdink, Meinen, Mentink, Moeckel,
Neckers/Nekker, Nijenhuis, Oonk, Owen, Parks, Pietenpol, Pleckenpol, Plyler,
Porter, Potter, Purcell, Ramaker, Rauwerdink, Reesink/Resink, Renegar/Renninger, Reuselink/Roeselink,
Rice, Ringwald, Robins/Robbins, Rodes, Roerdink, Rowse, Rühl, Schreurs,
Sellink, Sikkink, Smithwick, Stanley, Stanton, Stone, Stowe, TeBeeste, TenDolle,
TenHaken, TenHulsen, teKolstee, TenPas, TeSelle, TeStege, TeStrake,
TeWinkle, Trawick, Umminger, VanHooser, Walker, Warde, Wiggers, Willink,
Wilterdink, Wolterink, and Zürn.
E-mail Bob and Kathleen at r.duggan@ieee.org
Site last updated: 21 June 2010.
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